NTE 1000
F305 Face Recognition Timeclock
NTE 1000
The NTE1000 Time and Attendance system from National Time Equipment is one of the most robust workforce management solutions on the market today, accommodating a virtually unlimited number of employees, pay codes, and pay rules. With aparameter-driven, open modular design, the system easily adapts to organizational changes.
The NTE1000 Timesheets allow easy review, editing, and approval of employee punched detail records. Employee punches and attendance exceptions are prominently displayed on the timesheet screen. With the interactive Exception list, you can zoom directly to any timecard exception easily, reducing tedious and costly time editing. Attach daily notes, reason codes, and freehand text entries to the employee's daily timecard record for more comprehensive year-to-date detail information.
Audit trail popup list to show all changes made to timecard edits and adjustments.
Reason codes and freehand notesto can be attached directly to codes or timecard day.
Change shifts and scheduled timesdirectly from the timecard.
Adjust or edit hoursby assigning definable pay code hours. (+ or -)
The NTE1000 Rules Setup enables pay rules that are parameter-driven and easy to set up, modify, and track..
Schedule rules – scheduled start/end, meals, breaks, and premium parameters.
Policy rules – pay period definitions, overtime, punch rounding rules, etc.
Holiday rules – paid hours, scheduled day before/after qualifiers, prorate hours based on hours worked.
Work Plan – Work/Off day categories of regular and overtime. Optional daily schedule override.
Premium rules – complex time band, or scheduled shift premium rules
NTE 1000
NTE 1000